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[[File:tree pic.png|thumbnail|A regular tree in Minetest Game]]
[[File:tree pic.png|thumbnail|A regular tree in Minetest Game]]
Now that you know how to move, you will need to obtain some [[Wood|wooden planks]]. This is one of the first and most important tasks to get started in Minetest Game.
さて、移動方法がわかったところで[[Wood|板材]]をいくつか入手する必要があります。これはMinetest Gameを始めるにあたり最初にして最も重要なタスクのひとつです。
=== 木や低木を見つける ===
=== 木や低木を見つける ===
First, you need to find a [[Trees|tree]] or [[Bushes|bush]]. There are several species of trees and bushes. Trees are better than bushes as they yield more wood.
If you don't see a tree or bush immediately, just walk around until you see one.
* ヒント: もし何もない場所からスタートした場合は、平原が見えるところまで歩きます。平原には低木があり、森が近くにあります。草の色が黄色なら、それは[[Dry Grass|サバンナの草]][[Acacia Tree|アカシアの木]]があるサバンナであるということです。
* ヒント: 海の上からスタートした場合は、泳いで陸に上がる必要があります。[[Water|水中]]にいるときは、<kbd>スペースキー</kbd>を押し続けていれば溺れることはありません。
* Tip: If you started in the middle of nowhere, first walk around until you see grassy plains, then head there. You may find bushes in plains, and forests are usually not far away. If the grass has a yellowy color, it's [[Dry Grass|dry grass]] and you've found a savannah, the home of [[Acacia Tree|acacia tree]]s
* Tip: If you started in the middle of the ocean, you need to swim to land. Just hold down the <kbd>space bar</kbd> when in [[Water]] to stay afloat and don't drown!
=== 木の伐採する ===
=== 木の伐採する ===
If you found a tree, move towards a [[Tree|tree trunk]] (any species will do), and look at it. When you are close enough, you should see a black outline around the section of trunk you are looking at. Next you need to hold down the left mouse button. You should see cracks appearing on the tree. After a few seconds, the bit of trunk you were looking at will disappear. You will probably now be holding it in your hand. What you just did is called “[[mining]]”. If you can see a small picture of a tree section in one of the boxes at the bottom of your screen, it means it is an [[Items|item]] in your [[inventory]]. Those boxes are your [[hotbar]]. To select different items from the hotbar, use the mouse wheel, or the number keys <kbd>1</kbd>-<kbd>8</kbd>.
=== 低木を伐採する ===
=== 低木を伐採する ===
Bushes are an alternative source of wooden planks, but they yield less wood. To chop one down, do the same as you would with trees, except you walk towards a [[Bushes|bush]] (any species will do), then first mine the [[Bush Leaves|bush leaves]] (in order to reach the bush stem), then the [[Bush Stem|bush stem]].
低木も板材になりますが入手できる量は少なくなります。低木を伐採するには、木と同じように[[Bushes|低木]](種類は何でも構いません)に向かって歩き、幹に近づくために最初に[[Bush Leaves|低木の葉]]を伐採してから[[Bush Stem|低木の幹]]を伐採します。
== インベントリを活用する ==
== インベントリを活用する ==

Revision as of 16:37, 30 December 2021

Languages Language: English
Mbox style.png これは不完全な翻訳です。

この記事ではMinetest Gameで新しくワールドを作り、家を建てて明かりを灯す方法を説明します。


A regular tree in Minetest Game





さて、移動方法がわかったところで板材をいくつか入手する必要があります。これはMinetest Gameを始めるにあたり最初にして最も重要なタスクのひとつです。


まずはじめに低木を見つけましょう。木や低木はいくつか種類がありますが、木は低木より板材が多く取れるので木を見つけるほうがよいでしょう。 もし、木や低木が見つからなければ歩き回ればすぐに見つかるでしょう。

  • ヒント: もし何もない場所からスタートした場合は、平原が見えるところまで歩きます。平原には低木があり、森が近くにあります。草の色が黄色なら、それはサバンナの草アカシアの木があるサバンナであるということです。
  • ヒント: 海の上からスタートした場合は、泳いで陸に上がる必要があります。水中にいるときは、スペースキーを押し続けていれば溺れることはありません。


木を見つけたら、移動して木の幹(種類はなんでも構いません)を見てください。ずっと近づいて幹を見ると黒い輪郭が見えます。次にマウスの左ボタンを押しっぱなしにします。すると、木にひびが入っていくのが見えてくるはずです。数秒後、見ていた幹の部分が消えて、あなたは、それを入手しているでしょう。これが「採掘」です。 画面下部のボックスに小さく木の幹の絵が表示されていれば、それはインベントリ(持ち物)のアイテムです。このボックスはホットバーで別のアイテムを選択するにはマウスホイールを回すか数字キーの18を使います。




After you got your tree trunks or bush stems, open your inventory.

The default inventory menu

To open your inventory menu, press the I key on your keyboard. The screen should now have several rows of grey boxes on it. These are the various slots of your inventory. To move items around, left click on them with the mouse, then click where you want to put them (an empty box).

Now, break some more bits of tree or bush stem. You should now see a small number next to the item picture in your inventory. This indicates how many pieces of this item you have.

When you open your inventory, you will see a 3×3 box of squares at the top. This is the crafting grid. It is where you craft the various items.

You will now need to craft wooden planks. To do this, click on the tree or bush stem items to select them. Next, place them anywhere in the crafting grid. In your inventory menu it now should like this:

Name Ingredients Input → Output
Wooden Planks Tree
Wooden Planks.png

Or like this:

Name Ingredients Input → Output
Wooden Planks Bush Stem
Bush Stem.png
Wooden Planks.png

If you chopped a different tree or bush species (e.g. acacia tree), it will give you a different kind of wood, but will otherwise behave identically.

In the box just to the right of the grid, you will see an image of wooden planks (or similar). Click on this, and you will pick up wooden planks. You should also see a log disappear from the stack of logs in the crafting grid. Congratulations! You have crafted your first item! You can place (almost) any block in your world by walking up to another node, and right-clicking on a face to put the node you are holding there.


A wooden pickaxe

Before you make your house, though, there is another 2 crafts you will have to do. The first one is making sticks. Select the wooden planks in your inventory. Then, right-click any one of the slots in the crafting grid. This will only place one wooden plank in there, instead of the whole stack. Then left click somewhere else in your inventory to place the remaining wooden planks there. The crafting output box should now show sticks. Click on the stick item to receive the four sticks.

Name Ingredients Input → Output
Stick Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks.png

Now, for your first tool! It is a wooden pickaxe. It is used to mine stone, ores and some other blocks. To make the wooden pickaxe, using right click, place 1 wooden plank (any species) in each of the 3 boxes at the top of the crafting grid. Next, place sticks in the center of the middle and bottom rows. The output will show a pickaxe.

Name Ingredients Input → Output
Wooden Pickaxe Wooden Planks + Sticks
Wooden Planks.png
Wooden Planks.png
Wooden Planks.png
Wooden Pickaxe.png

Take the pickaxe, and put it at the top of your inventory. Exit the inventory, then scroll to select it. You should now appear to be holding it.



Now, for stone. Walk around until you see grey blocks. These can often be seen in cliffs whilst above ground. Go up to them, and using the pickaxe, break about 12 of them like you did with the tree. You will find they turned into a material called “cobblestone” in your inventory.

By now, it will probably be getting dark. You will need to make torches for light.

To make torches, walk around until you see what looks like stone, with black spots on it.
This is coal ore. Break the whole cluster of coal with your pickaxe, it won’t take long.

Next, make some more sticks. At the bottom of the crafting grid put a stick in one of the boxes, then put a coal lump (this is what you get when you mine coal) above it. You will get four torches.

Name Ingredients Input → Output
Torch Stick
+ Coal Lump

Place these like regular blocks, and they will emit light. The torches don't burn out, so you can leave them burning all day.


Now to make a house. You can use this as your base.
Build it how you like, for now just use wooden planks (break more trees to make them).
Use torches to light up your house.

See also Building a home.

Next you will want to make a furnace.
To craft it, fill the crafting grid with cobblestone, leaving the very centre box empty:

Name Ingredients Input → Output
Furnace Cobblestone

Take the furnace from the output slot. Place your furnace somewhere in your house.
You will use the furnace to smelt ores, once you mine them. But don’t worry about that yet. Because you just completed your first awesome house, I hope you like your new home! :-)


You probably have noticed that some of the crafting recipes you just use have variants. E.g. the wooden pickaxe could also be crafted with acacia wooden planks instead of regular wooden planks. Read Crafting and the respective item pages to learn more about this.