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== ハードウェアを選ぶ ==
ここにはサーバーのリストはありません。こちらの[http://minetest.net/servers Minetestサーバーリスト]、または[https://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?f=10 Minetestフォーラムのサーバーセクション]をご覧ください。
== サーバーへアクセスするには ==
=== サーバーを探す ===
[[File:Serverlist0.4.14.jpg|thumb|450px|Minetest 0.4.14のサーバーリスト]]
* Minetestクライアントを利用する方法 - これは身内で楽しむ場合や限られたLAN内でプレイする場合に適しています。サーバーのホスティングはMinetestクライアントに依存するため、管理者プレイヤーは常にワールドに参加する必要があります。
* '''Minetestのサーバーリスト''': Minetestでサーバーリストを見るのが一番簡単な方法です。メインメニューの「ゲームに参加」タブで見つけられます。
* 専用サーバーを用意する方法 - サーバーを公開したいなら間違いなくこちらを選んだほうがいいでしょう。管理者プレイヤーは他のプレイヤーと同じように、自由にサーバーに参加・離脱を行うことができます。
* '''ウェブサイトのサーバーリスト''': '''[http://www.minetest.net/servers/ http://www.minetest.net/servers/]'''には上と同じサーバー一覧がありますがウェブブラウザで見られます。
* '''Minetestフォーラム''': サーバーの話題に特化した「[https://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?f=10 サーバー]」というサブフォーラムがあります。
* '''友達''': Minetestサーバーをホスティングしている友人を知っている場合は、アドレスとポート番号を教えてもらってください。
== サーバーを実行する ==
=== サーバーに接続する ===
=== クライアントを利用する方法 ===
==== アカウント登録 ====
* 「ホストサーバ」にチェックを入れる
'''重要: アカウントは、サーバーでパスワードの確認後、サーバーに初めてアクセスし、正常に接続できた時点で登録されます。'''
* ホストしたいワールドが選択されていることを確認
* 名前とパスワードを入力
* 「ゲームホスト」をクリック
=== 専用サーバーを用意する方法 ===
==== Linux ====
* 使える文字は半角アルファベット、a-z, A-Z, 0-9,ハイフン(-), アンダースコア(_)です。日本語、全角文字は使えません
* 名前に「singleplayer」は使えません。
* 名前の長さは、1〜20文字までです。
#<code>YOUR/MINETEST/DIRECTORY/bin/minetestserver</code> と打ち込む、もしくは、minetestserver の実行ファイル(<code>/Minetest/bin/</code> にあります)を端末にドラッグアンドドロップする(下の注意書きを読んでください!)
#*特定の game ID を指定したいならば、選択可能な game ID は <code>/Minetest/games/</code> にあります。<code>--gameid '''thegameid'''</code> をコマンドの末尾に付け加えてください。
#*“Multiple worlds are available.” というエラーが出た場合は、<code>/Minetest/worlds/</code> にあるワールドから選ぶ必要があります。<code>--worldname '''theWorld'''</code> をコマンドの末尾に付け加えてください。
#サーバーがクラッシュした場合は、<code>/Minetest/bin/</code> 内にある <code>debug.txt</code> を見てください。
#サーバーを[[#Protecting your server|攻撃から保護]]してください。
下記のような内容で /Minetest/bin フォルダー内に minetestserver.sh というファイルを作成することで、簡単にサーバーを起動できるようになります。サーバーを起動するには、端末内で作成したファイルを実行するだけです。
'''重要: サーバーに初めて接続する前に、パスワードを忘れないようトリプルチェックするようにしてください。''' Minetestでは、確認のためにパスワードの入力をもう一度求めます。パスワードを覚えていない場合は、アカウント作成の確認ができません。
#!/bin/bash -x
./minetestserver --gameid minetest --worldname world
==== Windows ====
'''警告''': 紛失したパスワードを自動的に回復する仕組みはありません。パスワードをなくした場合は、大変なことになります。サーバーの責任者に連絡もできますが、連絡をしても彼らが助けてくれる保証はありません。
#Open command prompt by going in the Minetest installation folder, then in the “bin” folder, hold Shift, do a right click on a empty file (not on minetest.exe), click “Open command window here”.
#Type this: <code>minetest.exe --server</code>.
#*If you get the error “Multiple worlds are available.”, use <code>minetest.exe --server --worldname '''world_name'''</code> instead, where <code>'''world_name'''</code> is the name of the world.
#If your server crashes, then look at the <code>debug.txt</code> in <code>/Minetest/bin/</code>
#Make sure you make your server [[#Protecting your server|safe from damage]].
If you don't like to start the crashed server, simply start the server out of a batch file which contains the following code:
==== ログインする ====
@echo off
== Playing on the server ==
[[File:Switchboard PVP spawn.jpg|thumb|450px|At the spawn of Switchboard PVP made by yngwie123]]
minetest.exe --server --worldname ''world_name''
[[File:Just Test Tribute.jpg|thumb|450px|Playing on Just Test Tribute]]
goto crash
=== Basics ===
== Allowing external players to connect ==
The gameplay in a multiplayer server is basically the same as in a singleplayer game. The same rules apply. See [[Help:Getting Started#Gameplay|Getting Started]] for gameplay-related concepts. Well, at least in theory.
Players outside of your network won't be able to join the server unless you port forward.
In practice, every server is different. They can either just host the vanilla [[Games/Minetest Game|Minetest Game]], or host Minetest Game with many crazy mods installed, or even host an entirely different [[Games|game]]. Be prepared to be surprised! :D
#Choose a port to run the server on. The default of 30000 is recommended
Also, different servers are usually managed by different people, they also may or may not have rules which may or may not be enforced.
#Find out your internal IP of the computer you are running the server on
#*'''Linux''': open a terminal and type <code>ifconfig</code> and hit enter. Look for "inet adr" near "wlan0" or "eth0".
#** Open command prompt: Start → Run …, enter <code>cmd.exe</code> and hit enter.
#** Type <code>ipconfig</code> and hit enter.
#** Look for <code>IPv4 Address</code>.
#*'''macOS''': Open the command prompt and enter netstat -nr.
#Login to your router, and port forward UDP on your chosen port to the internal IP you found
#Alter any firewalls you may have to allow traffic to the port you choose
#Make your server listed in the server list by setting the following settings in minetest.conf
#* <code>server_announce = true</code> - makes Minetest tell the server list about the server.
#* <code>server_name</code> - set the value of this to your server's name.
#* <code>server_description</code> - set the value of this to a longer description describing your server.
#* <code>server_address</code> - if you have a domain name for your server, then set this to the domain name ([[How to get a domain name for your server|how to get a domain name if you want one for your server]]).
#* <code>server_url</code> - if you have a website for your server, then set this to the website URL.
#* <code>motd</code> - a message that is sent to the player when they join. Use this to welcome them.
#* You should restart the server to make sure any changed settings changed
== Protecting your server ==
=== Useful things to know ===
In multiplayer servers, these things become more important:
* [[Chat]]: learn how to communicate with other players
* [[Privileges]]: learn what you can and can’t do on a server
* [[Server commands]]: learn how to use server commands. They are also sometimes useful for players; for example, you can pulverize an item, teleport (if you are allowed to), and more
** Find out more about the server with commands like “/mods”, “/privs”, “/status”.
* The [[mods]] installed on the server
** Take note of [[mobs]], PvP (fighting “player-vs-player”), and server rules
* Custom settings which may affect gameplay
* When you press <kbd>Esc</kbd>, the game will not be paused like in single player mode
When setting up a new server, you should consider which protections are needed. This is extremely important for public servers, because you cannot predict who will connect or what they will do on your server.
Also, you can generally connect to all servers, no matter how many mods they use or what game they host. No need for additional configuration or manual downloads. All data you need is downloaded automatically for you.
Common problems include:
=== Griefing and protection ===
* Accidental or intentional damage to other players' work (griefing).
“Griefing” and “protection” are two words you will read frequently when playing on servers.
* Chat spam (may include swearing or advertisements).
* Aggression, harassment or other unwanted behaviours between players.
* Trouble makers who evade bans.
* Impersonation of well known people within the MT community.
* Bugs, for example caused by mods, which allow a malicious player to execute arbitrary system commands.
“[[Griefing]]” refers to the act of destroying, damaging, or vandalizing a building built by other players against their will. On some servers griefing is forbidden, on some servers it is allowed.
Many of these problems can be removed or minimised by advanced planning and awareness:
Protection mods are very common on servers. A protection mod is a mod which grants players ownership to certain parts of the world. Only the owner can add or remove blocks in an owned area. Protection basically eliminates griefing.
* Install a protection mod, such as [https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=7239 areas] or [https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9376 protectors]. These allow players to protect areas. Protected areas cannot be changed by other players.
* Enable rollback by adding <code>enable_rollback = true</code> to [[minetest.conf]]. Rollback can tell you which player placed a node, and allows a player's actions to be reverted.
* Install a mod to help you manage bans, such as [https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=9315 xban2].
* Create rules for your server and make sure you have enough time (or a team of moderators) to supervise your server and watch for players who breaks your rules.
* Never grant privileges to a player just because they use a name you recognise. Player names are not reserved between servers, so you should always confirm who the player is.
* On Linux you can add a dedicated user for running the minetest server.
== Managing a server ==
Note that tnt and fire spreading, which are both enabled by default in singleplayer, are disabled by default on servers.
See [[Setting_up_a_server|setting up a server]] for information running your own server.
== Managing your server ==
=== Server Configuration ===
For a detailed explanation of the server configuration file, see the [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/minetest.conf.example minetest.conf] page.
You may also want to consider to use a different [[Database backends|database backend]] for your world.
=== Server Commands ===
See the [[Server commands]] page for a list of useful commands.
Also see [[Itemstrings]] for the itemstrings for use with the <code>/give</code> and <code>/giveme</code> commands.
=== Privilege System ===
See the [[privileges]] page for detailed information on the privilege system.
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Help:Setting up a server/Debian|Setting up a Debian server]] page for more Debian (Ubuntu) related information.
* [[:Category:Notable Servers]]
* For more possible commands study the [[Command line]] page.
* [[Mods:Server|Server mods]]
* The "[https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2870 Illustrated Server Creation Guide]" forum thread contains interesting discussion.
* See this forum thread for more information about "[https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8924 How to create and maintain a server - Windows]"
* See this forum thread for "[https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1825 Server performance settings]"
[[Category:Languages pages]]

Revision as of 06:42, 24 September 2021

Languages Language: English





Minetest 0.4.14のサーバーリスト


  • Minetestのサーバーリスト: Minetestでサーバーリストを見るのが一番簡単な方法です。メインメニューの「ゲームに参加」タブで見つけられます。
  • ウェブサイトのサーバーリスト: http://www.minetest.net/servers/には上と同じサーバー一覧がありますがウェブブラウザで見られます。
  • Minetestフォーラム: サーバーの話題に特化した「サーバー」というサブフォーラムがあります。
  • 友達: Minetestサーバーをホスティングしている友人を知っている場合は、アドレスとポート番号を教えてもらってください。






重要: アカウントは、サーバーでパスワードの確認後、サーバーに初めてアクセスし、正常に接続できた時点で登録されます。


  • 使える文字は半角アルファベット、a-z, A-Z, 0-9,ハイフン(-), アンダースコア(_)です。日本語、全角文字は使えません
  • 名前に「singleplayer」は使えません。
  • 名前の長さは、1〜20文字までです。


重要: サーバーに初めて接続する前に、パスワードを忘れないようトリプルチェックするようにしてください。 Minetestでは、確認のためにパスワードの入力をもう一度求めます。パスワードを覚えていない場合は、アカウント作成の確認ができません。

警告: 紛失したパスワードを自動的に回復する仕組みはありません。パスワードをなくした場合は、大変なことになります。サーバーの責任者に連絡もできますが、連絡をしても彼らが助けてくれる保証はありません。




Playing on the server

At the spawn of Switchboard PVP made by yngwie123
Playing on Just Test Tribute


The gameplay in a multiplayer server is basically the same as in a singleplayer game. The same rules apply. See Getting Started for gameplay-related concepts. Well, at least in theory.

In practice, every server is different. They can either just host the vanilla Minetest Game, or host Minetest Game with many crazy mods installed, or even host an entirely different game. Be prepared to be surprised! :D

Also, different servers are usually managed by different people, they also may or may not have rules which may or may not be enforced.

Useful things to know

In multiplayer servers, these things become more important:

  • Chat: learn how to communicate with other players
  • Privileges: learn what you can and can’t do on a server
  • Server commands: learn how to use server commands. They are also sometimes useful for players; for example, you can pulverize an item, teleport (if you are allowed to), and more
    • Find out more about the server with commands like “/mods”, “/privs”, “/status”.
  • The mods installed on the server
    • Take note of mobs, PvP (fighting “player-vs-player”), and server rules
  • Custom settings which may affect gameplay
  • When you press Esc, the game will not be paused like in single player mode

Also, you can generally connect to all servers, no matter how many mods they use or what game they host. No need for additional configuration or manual downloads. All data you need is downloaded automatically for you.

Griefing and protection

“Griefing” and “protection” are two words you will read frequently when playing on servers.

Griefing” refers to the act of destroying, damaging, or vandalizing a building built by other players against their will. On some servers griefing is forbidden, on some servers it is allowed.

Protection mods are very common on servers. A protection mod is a mod which grants players ownership to certain parts of the world. Only the owner can add or remove blocks in an owned area. Protection basically eliminates griefing.

Managing a server

See setting up a server for information running your own server.

See also