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{{Incomplete translation/ja}}
すべてのプレーヤーは、サーバーごとに権限があります。権限とは、それによって何かができたり、できなかったりすることが決まります。権限にはそれぞれ名前があり、詳しい意味については以下で説明しています。権限を利用するには「privs」という権限が必要で、その権限を持つプレーヤーであれば他のプレーヤーに権限を付与したり取り消せます。マルチプレーヤーサーバーのデフォルト設定で新規プレーヤーは「interact」と「shout」の権限を持っています。自分の権限を確認するには、[[Server commands/ja|サーバーコマンド]]の<code>/privs</code>を実行します。
== 組み込み権限 ==
Minetest 5.0.0では、以下の権限があります。
* ゲーム関連:
** '''interact'''—can [[Building|build]]/[[Mining|mine]]/[[Using|use]] blocks and drop/eat/craft/use items and [[Punching|punch]] things and interact with [[Objects|objects]] and [[Player|players]]
** '''give'''—can use the <code>/give</code> and <code>/giveme</code> commands
** '''teleport'''—can use the <code>/teleport</code> command to teleport oneself to certain [[coordinates]] or to another [[player]]
** '''bring'''—in combination with '''''teleport''''', can use the <code>/teleport</code> command to teleport any player to certain coordinates or to yet another player
** '''fast'''—allows the player to activate fast [[Controls#Movement modes|mode]]
** '''fly'''—allows the player to activate fly mode
** '''noclip'''—allows the player to activate “noclip” mode, which allows them to fly through walls
* チャット関連:
** '''shout'''—can [[Chat|chat]] with other people
* ワールド操作関連:
** '''settime'''—can set [[Time of day|time of day]] using <code>/time</code>
* モデレーション関連:
** '''privs'''—can set any privileges of players using <code>/grant</code> and <code>/revoke</code> (→[[Server commands#Privilege manipulation]])
** '''basic_privs'''—can set the privileges set as basic_privs in the minetest.conf (default “interact” and “shout”) using <code>/grant</code> and <code>/revoke</code>
** '''kick'''—can kick players with <code>/kick</code>
** '''ban'''—can ban/unban IPs and names using <code>/ban</code> and <code>/unban</code>
** '''rollback'''—can use the [[Rollback|rollback]] functionality
** '''protection_bypass'''—can bypass protection of blocks (e.g. can open [[Locked Chest|locked chests]] or [[Steel Door|steel doors]] of everyone)
* 管理関連:
** '''server'''—can do server maintenance stuff such as <code>/shutdown</code>, <code>/clearobjects</code>, <code>/set</code>, …
** '''debug'''—can access advanced [[debug]] features and informations, such as the wirewrame in the debug screens (<kbd>F5</kbd>)
== 撤回できない権限 ==
A player’s privileges may be irrevokable in certain situations. It is not possible to revoke these privileges with <code>/revoke</code> then.
In multiplayer [[server]]s, the player whose name equals the [[minetest.conf]] setting “name” automatically has all privileges and all of these are irrevokable. This is also the case for players who started a server (not a dedicated server).
In [[singleplayer]], you start with '''interact''', '''shout''', '''privs''' and '''basic_privs'''. These privileges are irrevokable.
== modsや[[Games|ゲーム]]による権限 ==
=== [[Games/Minetest Game/ja|Minetest Game]] ===
* '''home'''—can use <code>/home</code> and <code>/sethome</code>.
=== Mods ===
[[Mods]] may make additional privileges available on the server. Issue the server command <code>/help privs</code> to receive a full list (and short descriptions) of all possible privileges on the server.
== サーバーの設定 ==
default_privs = interact, shout
* 「name」フィールドに名前が入っているプレーヤーは、すべての権限を持っています。
== 関連項目 ==
* [[Server/ja]]
* [[Server commands/ja]]

Latest revision as of 19:56, 31 December 2024

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