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TThis is a basic crib sheet for creating a mob in Blender. It could be used to create any other mod relatively easily.
This is a basic crib sheet for creating a mob in Blender. It could be used to create any other mod relatively easily.
This was made using Blender 2.70 and Ubuntu 12.04, but instructions should also work for Blender 2.5 or 2.6 as menu structure is pretty similar (but possibly not 2.4 or prior)
This was made using Blender 2.70 and Ubuntu 12.04, but instructions should also work for Blender 2.5 or 2.6 as menu structure is pretty similar (but possibly not 2.4 or prior)

Revision as of 19:40, 19 September 2014

This is a basic crib sheet for creating a mob in Blender. It could be used to create any other mod relatively easily.

This was made using Blender 2.70 and Ubuntu 12.04, but instructions should also work for Blender 2.5 or 2.6 as menu structure is pretty similar (but possibly not 2.4 or prior)

On File Formats

Minetest uses the 3D rendering library provided by Irrlicht.[1] Irrlicht can import the following mesh-formats[2]:

Animated objects:

  • B3D files (.b3d, r, skeleton)
  • Microsoft DirectX (.x, r) (binary & text, skeleton)
  • Milkshape (.ms3d, r, skeleton)
  • Quake 3 models (.md3, r, morph)
  • Quake 2 models (.md2, r, morph)

Static objects:

  • Irrlicht scenes (.irr, r/w)
  • Irrlicht static meshes (.irrmesh, r/w)
  • 3D Studio meshes (.3ds, r)
  • Alias Wavefront Maya (.obj, r/w)
  • Lightwave Objects (.lwo, r)
  • COLLADA 1.4 (.xml, .dae, r/w)
  • OGRE meshes (.mesh, r)
  • My3DTools 3 (.my3D, r)
  • Pulsar LMTools (.lmts, r)
  • Quake 3 levels (.bsp, r)
  • DeleD (.dmf, r)
  • FSRad oct (.oct, r)
  • Cartography shop 4 (.csm, r)
  • STL 3D files (.stl, r/w)
  • PLY 3D files (.ply, r/w)

Notes: Different 3D formats may perform differently in other setups, Directx and B3D allow animation (but this crib sheet doesn't cover that) On the system used to evaluate this text (Linux 12.04) Directx (.x) seems to be buggy in minetest and faces aren't always drawn properly. B3D seems to work better and was used in animals_modpack-2.3.6, so copy that but feel free to search out your own.

If you want to be able to export in B3D (Blitz 3D) format (with 2.70)

  1. Download the Blender export script B3DExport.py
    In Linux: Copy to /home/user/.config/blender/2.70/scripts/addons
    In Windows: Copy to
  2. Open Blender
  3. In Blender open the menu File/User Preferences/Addons/Import Export/B3D (Blitz 3D) Model Exporter
  4. Select box on R
    (If you want .x (directX) then find this and enable it too.)
  5. While you're in preferences on the file tab you may want to enable Save&Load/Compress File (for much smaller saved files), and Autosave/Keep Session (to save on exit)
  6. Save User Settings
  7. Close Preferences Window

If you want to import, install version 2.49, save as a blender file, then open with 2.70 to edit.

Begin with a basic Mob or Mod

To create a basic mob, copy an animal from animals_modpack-2.3.6. Then in the init.lua you only have to do a search and replace of the name of the animal, and delete any irrelevant code. You can edit speed, acceleration, etc as you wish.

Create a 3D Object or Model

Don't bother with 'materials' - minetest doesn't seem to display them properly - you need a texture to define any colours. If you want your model to walk forwards, you must create it with 'forward' pointing in the +ve x direction (ie right when you select view point '7' on the numeric keypad, or facing in the direction of the red 'x' arrow when an object is selected)

Create Object

  1. In 3D Viewport
  2. If not already active switch to object mode (dropdown in 3D viewport)
  3. Add objects (eg 3D Menu/Add/Mesh/cube)
  4. Move around by right-clicking to select and dragging arrows.
    'b' box/border select. 'g' grab to move.
    Resize or rotate using the properties viewport (has a row of camera, cube, spanner, etc at top)
  5. Select the cube
  6. Use rotation and scale to transform objects
    [See the hundreds of blender tutorials for more advanced editing techniques.]

SAVE primary blender model

  1. Save as a blender file (Ctrl-S or File/Save)
  2. Save with the name: yourname.blend (or similar)
  3. You might also want to save a separate 'unjoined' copy before the following join operation, as you won't be able to access the base components afterward


When the basic model is completed you'll need to create a texture.

  1. Switch to Object mode
    1. press 'a' (perhaps twice) to select all objects
    2. Ctrl-J Join all objects in model together
  2. Switch to Edit Mode
    1. Mesh/UV Unwrap/Smart UV Project [see one of the many UV Mapping tutorials if you want seams to match, etc]
      [optional] Set island margin to 0.004 (this leaves a gap between faces, so there will be less risk of bleeding of colour across sharp edges. 0.002 is approx 1 pixel for a 512 pixel image)
  3. Move mouse to the top of the 3D window to get and up/down arrow. Right click/split window and size to 50:50.
    1. On the R hand new window select the litle cube (3D viewport) icon and switch to UV Map viewport
    2. LowMenubar:New
      1. Set Name - eg 'yourname UV Map'
      2. Click UV Test Grid (optional)
      3. OK (=Save)
        [if you want to resize the image use a power of 2 (512/1024/etc) for x and y dimensions as it significantly speeds processing]
    3. LowMenubar:Image/Pack as PNG/Accept warning (this ensures you will save a copy of the image within the .blend file (I think in 2.4 this may have to be updated manually, but the tickbox in 2.7 implies is should be saved with the rest of the file)
    4. Check UV map fits on image - adjust with: g - move, r - rotate, s - scale (menu:UV/transform/)
      The UV vertices won't always align to pixel boundaries, which means if you don't use 'island margin' above, then painting on one face may also unavoidable paint onto another face. There is reference in the manual to a UV snap-to-pixel option (to align UV vertices to pixel edges) but I haven't figured how to access it yet (and it would only perfectly stop bleed for horizontal or vertically aligned vertices).
  4. In 3D View Window
    1. Switch to Texture Paint (from Edit Mode)
    2. in the Toolbar set:-
      1. Brush
        Select white (should be selected by default)
        Strength 1.0 (ie 100% replacement of the underlying colour)
        Radi 500 (or whatever brush radius you want)
      2. Curve
        select the square profile if you want a solid colour brush
        select the 'normal distribution curve' if you want a fading brush
        (or any other profile you like)
  5. UV Map Window
    1. Switch to Paint (from View)
    2. Paint entire object white (or some other basecoat). This is easiest to do in UV Map window
  6. In 3D View Window
    1. To paint only particular faces, click the face Menu/faceselect (the cube with grid pattern on the face), you will then be able to select an entire face/s with R click (or shift R-click for multiple faces).
    2. Change colour,strength,radius,curve, etc and paint the different parts as you wish - painting in either 3D or UV Mesh Windows.
      NB the colour picker has an eyedropper to copy the colour from within the 3D or UV Map windows - just click on the currently displayed colour (under the colour wheel) to bring it up.

Save your Work and Export Files

  1. Save the mesh
    1. Export as a .b3d file (File/Export/B3D)
    2. Save with the name: models/animal_yourname.b3d
    3. Don't forget to look for and OK the overwrite message if needed or it will disappear and you won't have saved your file.
  2. Save the texture
    1. UV Window/Image/Save As Image
    2. Save with the name: textures/animal_yourname_yourname_mesh.png

Create or copy the Inventory Graphic

Find/create a nice graphic to be the image in the inventory.
A flat texture can be created with a 6 sided cube model (eg animal_yourname_yourname.png)
The inventory image is animal_yourname_yourname_item.png
(Remember to respect copyright - use screenshots of your model if you want a simple free graphic. To turn off the 3d viewport grid floor open the propertles menu (+ at top R of window), and untick display/grid floor)

Rendering the Model

If you want to be able to render the model (F12 key) you'll first need to do the following steps to enable the texture:

  1. In 3D edit view. Add/Lamp/Hemi. You might need to move this around to adjust lighting direction, but probably not.
  2. In properties viewpane:-
  3. Select checkered box tab,
    1. change tex type to image/movie
    2. click on image dropdown below this and select your UV texture image
    3. under mapping dropdown change coord to UV

Now Render should work...


  1. Make sure your mesh is child of Armature.
  2. Make sure there's only one bone parenting all others (having a child bone being parent of another one is no problem).
  3. All faces need to be members of a vertex group.
  4. Make sure all of your vertex groups have same name as at least one bone.
  5. Don't forget to export animation when exporting to .x file.

Notes and References

  1. As stated on the Terminology page of Minetest-Dev Wiki
  2. Irrlicht Features - Supported Formats