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What is a Map?

A Map is a world who contains an environment and/or building(s).


To install maps : you have to extract them first—most of them are in .zip, some of them can be in .rar or .tar.gz format. To extract .tar.gz and .rar files on Windows, you need 7-Zip.

Put the extracted files in the “worlds” folder of your Minetest installation folder. The files such as env_meta.txt must be directly in the world’s folder (eg. “worlds/my_world/env_meta.txt”).

Often, the compressed file also contains a “mods” folder, his files have to be put into your “mods” folder to show some additional blocks.

  • Location of the worlds (aka maps) folder within the folder structure of a run-in-place installation of Minetest, including some of the folders Minetest adds after some usage as client and server, as well as the positions (…) that custom-made content goes. Irrelevant folders are not expanded.
This commented example shows the location and structure of a world called "someworld":

    ├── bin/ (contains the executable program file)
    ├── builtin/
    ├── cache/
    ├── client/
    ├── doc/
    ├── fonts/
    ├── games/  (collection of mods tweacked or designed to work well together)
    │   ├── minetest_game/
    │   ├── minimal/
    │   └── … (installed extra games)
    ├── locale/ (language files)
    ├── mods/
    │   └── … (installed extra mods and modpacks)
    ├── textures/
    │   ├── base/
    │   │   └── pack/
    │   └── … (installed extra texturepacks)
    ├── worlds/         (this folder will be created when the first local/singleplayer world is created)
    │   ├── someworld        (the name given to the world by the user when it is created)
    │   │   ├── players/     (ingame data for each player)
    │   │   ├── worldmods/   (create this folder for world exclusive mods)
    │   │   ├── auth.txt     (player login data)
    │   │   ├── env_meta.txt (contains mostly time related information)
    │   │   ├── map.sqlite   (database containing the map. The name may differ depending on backend used)
    │   │   ├── map_meta.txt (defines which mapgen is used and how)
    │   │   └──     (should at least contain the subgame-id without which the world 
    │   │                     will not show up in the singleplayer tab)
    │   └── … (more saved worlds. Some with exclusive world mods)
    ├── minetest.conf          (will be created with first start of Minetest)
    └── minetest.conf.example  (a list of all possible settings)

Finding Maps

Schem file Creation / Import

A schem file (.mts) is used to import building(s) into a world with the WorldEdit mod. This file can be found in “worlds/<my_world>/schems” folder.

  • To create a schem file :
  1. Type in your world name (with WorldEdit activated).
  2. Grant yourself all privileges: /grantme all
  3. Press F5 to show the coordinates.
  4. Select the area to export by commands with //pos1 and //pos2 (these positions corresponds to an invisible diagonal of a cuboid selection).
  5. Create your schem file with //mtschemcreate <name of your schem file>. The file will be created into your “worlds/<my_world>/schems” folder.

  • To import a schem file :
  1. Enter in your world (with WorldEdit activated).
  2. Grant yourself all privileges: /grantme all
  3. Put a schem file into your “worlds/<name of your new world>/schems" folder.
  4. Press F5 to show the coordinatess.
  5. Place a position where you want with command: //pos1
  6. Import your schem file with //mtschemplace <name of your schem file>

See also