Setting up a server/ja

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< Setting up a server
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  1. 端末(ターミナル)を開きます。
  2. YOUR/MINETEST/DIRECTORY/bin/minetestserver (/YOUR/MINETEST/DIRECTORYは実際のディレクトリの場所に置き換えて)と入力するか、(/Minetest/bin/ディレクトリにある)minetestserverの実行ファイルを端末にドロップします。(以下の注意も読んでください)
    • 特定のゲームIDを指定する場合は、コマンドの最後に--gameid thegameidを追加してください(ゲームIDは、/Minetest/games/ディレクトリにあります)。
    • "Multiple worlds are available."(複数のワールドが利用可能です)というエラーが表示された場合、コマンドの最後に--worldname theWorldを追加してください(ワールドのリストは、/Minetest/worlds/ディレクトリにあります)。
  3. サーバーがクラッシュした場合は、/Minetest/bin/にあるdebug.txtを見てください。
  4. サーバーをダメージから保護するようにしてください。



while true
    ./minetestserver --gameid minetest --worldname world
    sleep 10


  1. Minetestをインストールしたフォルダを開きます。「bin」フォルダの中でShiftキーを押しながら空ファイル(minetest.exeではありません)を右クリックして「コマンドウィンドウをここで開く」を選び、コマンドプロンプトを開きます。
  2. minetest.exe --serverと入力します。
    • "Multiple worlds are available."(複数のワールドが利用可能です)というエラーが表示された場合、変わりにminetest.exe --server --worldname world_nameを使ってください(world_nameはワールドの名前です)。
  3. サーバーがクラッシュした場合は、/Minetest/bin/にあるdebug.txtを見てください。
  4. サーバーをダメージから保護するようにしてください。


@echo off
minetest.exe --server --worldname world_name
goto crash


Players outside of your network won't be able to join the server unless you port forward.

  1. Choose a port to run the server on. The default of 30000 is recommended
  2. Find out your internal IP of the computer you are running the server on
    • Linux: open a terminal and type ifconfig and hit enter. Look for "inet adr" near "wlan0" or "eth0".
    • Windows
      • Open command prompt: Start → Run …, enter cmd.exe and hit enter.
      • Type ipconfig and hit enter.
      • Look for IPv4 Address.
    • macOS: Open the command prompt and enter netstat -nr.
  3. Login to your router, and port forward UDP on your chosen port to the internal IP you found
  4. Alter any firewalls you may have to allow traffic to the port you choose
  5. Make your server listed in the server list by setting the following settings in minetest.conf
    • server_announce = true - makes Minetest tell the server list about the server.
    • server_name - set the value of this to your server's name.
    • server_description - set the value of this to a longer description describing your server.
    • server_address - if you have a domain name for your server, then set this to the domain name (how to get a domain name if you want one for your server).
    • server_url - if you have a website for your server, then set this to the website URL.
    • motd - a message that is sent to the player when they join. Use this to welcome them.
    • You should restart the server to make sure any changed settings changed



When setting up a new server, you should consider which protections are needed. This is extremely important for public servers, because you cannot predict who will connect or what they will do on your server.

Common problems include:

  • Accidental or intentional damage to other players' work (griefing).
  • Chat spam (may include swearing or advertisements).
  • Aggression, harassment or other unwanted behaviours between players.
  • Trouble makers who evade bans.
  • Impersonation of well known people within the MT community.
  • Bugs, for example caused by mods, which allow a malicious player to execute arbitrary system commands.

Many of these problems can be removed or minimised by advanced planning and awareness:

  • Install a protection mod, such as areas or protectors. These allow players to protect areas. Protected areas cannot be changed by other players.
  • Enable rollback by adding enable_rollback = true to minetest.conf. Rollback can tell you which player placed a node, and allows a player's actions to be reverted.
  • Install a mod to help you manage bans, such as xban2.
  • Create rules for your server and make sure you have enough time (or a team of moderators) to supervise your server and watch for players who breaks your rules.
  • Never grant privileges to a player just because they use a name you recognise. Player names are not reserved between servers, so you should always confirm who the player is.
  • Install and configure a chat filter mod like filter, to prevent swearing and/or sexual chat. This is useful to inform players of the rules rather than actual enforcement, as working around filters is fairly easy.

Note that tnt and fire spreading, which are both enabled by default in singleplayer, are disabled by default on servers.

See Server Moderation and Tools on ContentDB.


  • Standard advice on Linux/Windows server security applies.
  • On Linux you can add a dedicated user for running the minetest server.
  • Never, ever, disable mod security.
  • Make sure you trust mods you add to secure.trusted_mods




また、ワールドのために別のデータベース バックエンドの使用も検討できます。





