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Minetest Community Statement

In the past few days, especially after the community released some android builds of the engine, apps like ‘Starve game’, ‘Lime Minetest’, and the erstwhile ‘BuildCraft’ have been cropping up in the Google Play Store, and the Apple iTunes Store. Simply put, these builds are simply a repackaging of the Minetest engine and subgame. These Minetest builds are usually obsolete, and do not undergo the rigorous testing subject to the minetest engine.

The LGPL v2.0 [citation needed] open-culture license, under which Minetest is distributed does allow implicit distribution of the compiled game, and subsequent modifications that are distributed by default.

Most games that use Minetest as their source for their (non-free?) version only link back to the original source code, not the modified source code, which must be made free for all paying (or not) paying users of the program.

Please look at:, as they have the same issue as us.