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< Air
Revision as of 14:53, 26 June 2018 by BrunoMine (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Languages}} {{Block Data | image=Air.png | wherein=Minetest | block_name=Air | type = Gas | physics = No | flammable = No | luminance=No | generated=Yes | renewable=Yes ...")
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Languages Language: English
A node in Minetest
Node Type Gas
Drops Nothing
Physics No
Luminance No
Flammable No
Generated Yes
Renewable Yes
Stackable Yes (99)
Itemstring air

Ar é um bloco transparente, o qual pode ser andável e transpassado por jogadores sem qualquer resistência. Um bloco de ar pode ser destruido ao construir-se um node sólido na mesma posição, como por agua e lava. Quando um bloco que não é ar for removido, um bloco de ar toma imediatamente sua posição.

Fogo ocasionalmente substitui ar perto de blocos inflamáveis.

Air is the most common block in Minetest. A large part of the world above sea level consists solely of air. Air is also found underground in the form of caves. Air can’t be collected without cheating.

The map generator tries to ensure that the player always spawns inside air.

Air is a special block in Minetest. It is one of the few blocks that are always available (with Ignore), regardless of which games and mods are activated. If a game does not define any blocks whatsoever, the world will solely consist of air.

The map generator “singlenode” generates a map which consists solely of air.