Mese Crystal

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Mese Crystal
Type: Raw Materials
Renewable: No
Stackable: Yes (99)
Durability: N/A


Mese Crystal Fragment

Mese Crystals can be obtained by mining Mese Ore.

They can be used to craft Pickaxes, Shovels, Axes and Swords. They can also be crafted into a Mese block.

Mese Crystals can be broken into 9 Mese Crystal Fragments. Mese Crystal Fragments cannot be reverted to Mese Crystals.

As a Crafting Ingredient

Name Ingredients Input → Output Description
Pickaxe Mese Crystals
+ Sticks
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Pickaxe.png
Required to mine stone-based blocks.
Axe Mese Crystals
+ Sticks
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Axe.png
Used to cut wood-based blocks quicker than by hand.
Shovel Mese Crystal
+ Sticks
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Shovel.png
Used to dig Dirt, Sand, Grass Blocks and many other blocks quicker than by hand.
Sword Mese Crystal
+ Sticks
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Sword.png
Used to deal more damage to mobs and players than by hand.
Mese Mese Crystals
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Block.png
Decorative block, can only be mined with a steel, bronze, Mese, or diamond pickaxe. Can be reverted to Mese Crystals.
Mese Crystal Fragments Mese Crystal
Mese Crystal.png
Mese Crystal Fragment.png
Cannot be reverted to Mese Crystals.