Fence Gate

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Wooden Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate, Acacia Fence Gate, Aspen Fence Gate, Pine Fence Gate
Wooden Fence Gate.png
Junglewood Fence Gate.png
Acacia Fence Gate.png
Aspen Fence Gate.png
Pine Fence Gate.png
A node in Minetest Game
Node Type Full node
Drops Itself
Physics No
Luminance No
Flammable Yes
Generated No
Renewable Yes
Stackable Yes (99)
Itemstring See table

Fence Gates are there to block the way. Fence gates can be opened and closed by using. The can be placed practially anywhere and fences will connect nicely to it. But unlike fences, fence gates do not align themselves. You can use a screwdriver to rotate a fence gate.


Fence gates come in different flavors:

Name Itemstring
Wooden Fence Gate.png Wooden Fence Gate doors:gate_wood_closed
Junglewood Fence Gate.png Jungle Wood Fence Gate doors:gate_junglewood_closed
Acacia Fence Gate.png Acacia Fence Gate doors:gate_acacia_wood_closed
Aspen Fence Gate.png Aspen Fence Gate doors:gate_aspen_wood_closed
Pine Fence Gate.png Pine Fence Gate doors:gate_pine_wood_closed


Name Ingredients Input → Output Description
Fence Gate Wood and Sticks
Wooden Planks.png
Junglewood Planks.png
Acacia Wood Planks.png
Aspen Wood Planks.png
Pine Wood Planks.png
Wooden Planks.png
Junglewood Planks.png
Acacia Wood Planks.png
Aspen Wood Planks.png
Pine Wood Planks.png
Wooden Fence Gate.png
Junglewood Fence Gate.png
Acacia Fence Gate.png
Aspen Fence Gate.png
Pine Fence Gate.png
Can be opened or closed by using, can be passed through while open.

See also