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How to install mods and mini-games is explained on separate pages. See:

  • Install Mod locally
  • Install Mod on server
  • Install a mini-game

Mbox information.png Important for many mods: you can only use some of the functions if you have the right to do so. Which permissions are needed for a mod should be found in the documentation of the mod.
  • About rights/privileges (also on servers) in general:Privileges
  • How to assign permissions to new players automatically: see ... )
  • How to give Luanti players particular rights: Giving and removing privileges

I was thinking of presenting the mods a little bit differently here, depending on the type and size.

  • On this page I always wanted to introduce the mods very briefly to explain what it's all about.
  • For extensive mods, an extra page makes sense, on which you can put more detailed instructions.
  • For many similar mods (as with the new block types)' there is usually no need for instructions, but since there are so many of them, I wanted to create a subpage where the mods (instead of the start page) are introduced individually. Here the presentation could be a bit more extensive, for example, by listing what important contents the Mods offer.
  • If the mods already have tutorials or similar pages, you can link to this page.

Basics in the game

Changing inventory

  • unified_inventory ... The mod Unified Inventory expands the normal inventory and offers a completely new interface of the inventory with many additional features that are perceived by players as practical. It is used as a basis for many other mods by integrating additional buttons there.
  • Smart inventory

Changing Game Mode

  • HINT: Via the file minetest.conf you can tell which game mode the server is running. As an admin you can give yourself and other players on a server the right "creative" in survival mode. So you can take as many blocks as you like. However, dismantling is not as easy as in Creative mode. But I can take the best tools to make this easier
  • pvpplus The mod PVP-Plus' can be used to create a server ... where PvP has not been permanently activated. Players can determine whether they want to allow PvP to fight for their "life" with a co-player.

Changing the player model

There are mods that allow players to choose your own look so that you can better distinguish players.

  • u_skins ... The Mod Unified Inventory Skins [u_skins] is a supplement to the Mod "Unified Inventory" (see above) and this mod must also be installed. Then use a button in the inventory to select a skin for yourself. There will be a wide selection. You can also change this selection, but you should add the code and files. Generally useful.

Tools to manage pupils on a shared server

Admin tools to prepare the world

  • World-Edit] This is a mod that essentially corresponds to the same name in Minecraft. You can change many stones in one area at once in a short time and do not have to block for block. Precise instructions on the bottom.
  • Handle-Schematics It's an independent mod that belongs to WorldEdit. It allows the reasonably comfortable work with schematics, which is kinda a section of a world. You can also copy and paste areas from a world.

Protect areas against griefing

Protect areas in a world so that not everyone can build/destroy there:

  • Areas and Markers ... These two mods belong together, where you can also use areas on your own. Markers allow to protect areas without chat commands.

Protect chests against access:

  • TODO

Control access to server

  • HINT: You can avoid that everyone has access to the server by changing the the server settings. See ...

Informationen und Anweisungen für die Spieler veröffentlichen

Als grundlegende Möglichkeit gibt im Spiel zwei Möglichkeiten dem Spieler Informationen zukommen zu lassen: Über Schilder, die aber nicht sehr praktisch sind, und über das "Motto des Tages" (siehe Server-Einstellungen). Inzwischen gibt es aber schon zahlreiche Mods, die hier Alternativen anbieten.

TODO: This part needs to be translated into English!


Bücher, Wikis, ...


Neue Blöcke

Das Erstellen von neuen Blöcken/Gegenständen/... in Luanti ist mit Hilfe Mods extrem einfach. Hier eine Auswahl:

  • Standard-Blöcke aus neuem Material
  • Blöcke, die zu einem bestimmten historischen Thema/Zeitalter passen
  • Alle Arten von Glas (farbig, dekoriert, ...)
  • Einrichtungen und Dekorationen
  • Spezielle thematische Mods, wie Industrie, Kirche, ...

Mapgen Mods die das Aussehen der Umgebeung wärhend der Karten-Erstellung manipulieren

Mobs auf die Karte bringen

Neue Pflanzen, Lebensmittel und Bäume

Technologie und Programmierung

  • Mesecons

Straßen, Fahrzeuge und Transport-Möglichkeiten

  • Streets
  • travelnet teleporters/bookmarks ... Das Mod bieten zwei Arten von Transport-Kästen, mit denen Spieler von einem zum anderen (festgelegten) Ort transportiert werden können. Die Travelnet-Box ist flexibel und ermöglicht Transport zu allen Orten, wo eine andere Travelnet-Box steht. Außerdem gibt es Fahrstühle, die nur einen Transport hoch- und runter ermöglichen. Die Bedienung ist für andere Benutzer sehr einfach.
  • POI
  • Fahrzeuge: Autos aller Art, Flugmaschinen
Mbox information.png TIPP Teleportieren kann man auch mit Hilfe eines Komanndo-Block in Kombination mit einigen Mesecon-Objekten. Siehe ...

Praktisch für den Spieler

  • Tower Crane ... meist haben die einfachen Spieler auf einem Server keine Flugrechte. Daher muss man sich Rampen bauen, um auf ein Bauwerk zu kommen. Dieses Mod bietet eine Möglichkeit, in einem begrenzten Bereich herumfliegen zu können, indem man sich einen Kran baut und dann in seiner Reicheweite scheinbar fliegen kann. - Mod-Review bei YouTube

Please move

  • Protection

Small mods:

  • shop
  • letter - lettercutter
  • crafting-guide

Bigger Mods containing many new blocks and functionallity:

  • xdecor (small) - furniture & decorations, workbench, signs ...
  • homedecor (big) - lots of furniture & decorations
  • darkage - pre-industrial items and builting-materials
  • moreblocks - more stairs and slopes
  • moreore - tin, silver, mithril
  • farming / farming-redo - more plants & foods (e.g. potatoes & baked potatoes ...)
  • mobs-redo
    • mobs-animals (sheep, chickens, cow, wolf... mostly peaceful)
    • mobs-monsters