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这个页面包含 Minetest 的一些'''常见问题'''。对于技术性问题,请参见 [[Troubleshooting]]。
== Minetest 是什么? ==
Minetest 是一个免费的游戏引擎,为基于[体素](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/體素)的游戏设计。更详细的描述可以在 [[Minetest]] 找到。
== 关于这个引擎 ==
=== 游玩 Minetest 要花多少钱? ===
=== Minetest 是 Minecraft 的复制品吗? ===
Minecraft 的最早期版本旨在复刻 Minecraft Alpha 在当时(2010年)展现出来的功能<ref>https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Interview_de_Perttu_Ahola,_cr%C3%A9ateur_du_jeu_Minetest</ref>。但它的目标很快脱离了 Minecraft,最终演变成了一个游戏引擎。
=== 谁创建了 Minetest? ===
[[Celeron55|Perttu Ahola]](也被称为 '''celeron55''')。它目前由 [https://github.com/orgs/minetest/people 这群“疯子”] 和 [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/graphs/contributors 这个社区] 开发。
=== Minetest 是由什么语言编写的? ===
Minetest 由 C++ 编写,使用了 [[#什么是 Irrlicht?|Irrlicht 渲染引擎的一个分支]]。游戏和模组的 API 使用了 [https://www.lua.org/ Lua 编程语言]。
=== 我能自行修改它的代码吗? ===
[https://github.com/minetest/minetest/ 可以。] Minetest 是在 [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/LICENSE.txt LGPL 2.1 and others] 协议下授权的。
=== Minetest 的下一个版本将会在什么时候发布? ===
可以通过查看 [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/milestones GitHub 里程碑] 来了解下一个版本的进展情况。
=== 为什么版本号从 直接变为了 5.0.0? ===
Minetest 在 版本后使用了 [https://semver.org/ 语义化版本控制规范],因为版本号前的零永远不会改变。在旧的版本系统中,5.0.0 将会是。语义化版本更加清洁,并且它是一个行业标准。
=== 我该如何安装并运行 Minetest? ===
''参见 [[Getting_Started#Getting_Minetest]]。''
=== 我该如何升级 Minetest? ===
这取决于你的操作系统和安装方式。你通常需要下载最新版本或运行更新命令。某些系统可能会要求你移动你的世界和模组。如果你使用 Git 版本,每次你想要升级时,你仅需拉取最新代码并编译。
=== 我该从哪里找到游戏并安装? ===
Check out the [https://content.minetest.net/packages/?type=game Minetest ContentDB] for a list of games. You can easily install games (and other content) through the client in the '''Content''' tab ('Browse online content'). You may also manually install games you find on the forum or GitHub to the "games" folder in your Minetest data directory. For more information about games, see [[Games]].
=== 什么是 Irrlicht? ===
Minetest 使用它自己的 [https://github.com/minetest/irrlicht Irrlicht 分支],它是一个德国的渲染引擎,创建于 2003 年。这个分支致力于移除旧的和未使用的代码,来让引擎变得更轻量,尽管其目标是在未来完全替换 Irrlicht,因为它已经非常过时了。
=== 为什么用户界面看起来这么老旧? ===
A lot of the interface uses default [[#What is Irrlicht?|Irrlicht]] styling from before [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/f0703f3/doc/lua_api.txt#L2958 form styling] was introduced. It is possible to make the UI look modern, but UI design is already a pain on its own, coupled with the quirks of the [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/f0703f3/doc/lua_api.txt#L2227 formspec] system Minetest uses. A proper GUI replacement may arrive in the future.
=== 主界面卡住了! ===
[https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6733 我们正在解决该问题。]
=== 我有一个技术性问题,该如何解决它? ===
''参见 [[Troubleshooting]]。''
=== Minetest 是多线程运行的吗? ===
是的。Minetest 的客户端和服务端运行在不同的线程里。服务端也在工作线程中运行地图生成,虽然目前它由于某些问题被限制在单个线程中(但 [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/eea2a97/minetest.conf.example#L2973-L2984 可以在设置中更改])。客户端在工作线程中运行网格生成。
It's rare for games to be heavily concurrent as it's not needed for smaller games - it's usually only found in MMOs. It's a lot harder to write multi-threaded gameplay logic, which is in conflict with Minetest's aim to be an easy-to-use content creation platform. There is an API for mods to run tasks in a worker thread, however.
=== 为什么它被叫做 “Minetest”? ===
Minetest started as an experiment (a '''test''', if you will) to replicate '''Mine'''craft Alpha. The name stuck, and [https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17133 no one can agree] [https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2077 on a new one].
=== 能否添加对于 iOS 的支持? ===
We are unable to add Minetest to the App Store as there is a license conflict. The App Store's EULA contains terms that limit software freedom, which (as far as the consensus goes) conflicts with (L)GPL licenses.
Whilst it theoretically would be possible to distribute apps outside of the App Store, iOS is generally anti software freedom. Users would need to either pay $80 a year for a developer license and have a Mac Book, or jailbreak their phone. Neither of these things are particularly desirable.
So unfortunately, this isn't something we can do.
=== 能否添加对于某个平台或主机的支持? ===
Minetest 是一个时间和资源有限的志愿者项目。支持一个新的平台将会耗费大量精力,我们只能正式支持一个有核心开发人员使用的平台。
Additionally, a lot of consoles have restrictive NDAs that prevent open source software from being ported to them without resorting to homebrew. NDAs stop you from open sourcing your code, and copy-left prevents you from close sourcing Minetest.
Minetest is open source. We welcome contributors to port Minetest to other platforms (providing they follow the licenses, ofc). Contributors are also welcome to contribute their changes back upstream as well, providing that they're not too intrusive.
== 术语 ==
要查看一个更完整的 Minetest 术语列表,可以参见 [[Terminology]]。
; 模组 / Mod : 对于游戏的一个 “模块” 或者 “修改”。''参见 [[Mods]]。''
; 游戏 / Game : 一个配置为在 Minetest 引擎上运行的模块的集合。''参见 [[Games]]。''
; Subgame : A legacy term for [[Games|game]].
; 材质包 : 覆盖游戏或模组纹理的一组客户端纹理。''参见 [[Texture Packs]]。''
; 节点 / Node : 单个立方体或方块的技术性名称。
; 生物 / Mob : 一个移动的物体。''参见 [[Mobs]]。''
== 关于 Minetest Game ==
=== Minetest Game 是什么? ===
Minetest Game is the game currently included with Minetest, mostly intended to show features and act as a base for mods. See [[Games/Minetest Game|Minetest Game]] for more details.
=== [某个 Minecraft 特性] 在哪里? ===
Minetest Game is not intended to replicate Minecraft in any way. Features from Minecraft may be found in mods or other games (try out [https://content.minetest.net/packages/Wuzzy/mineclone2/ Mineclone2] for a close analog of Minecraft). If you would like to play a game with Minecraft features, we recommend playing Minecraft.
''参见 [[Differences from Minecraft]]。''
==== Which Mineclone should I play? ====
[https://content.minetest.net/packages/Wuzzy/mineclone2/ Mineclone2] is the more popular and usually more stable version of Mineclone. [https://content.minetest.net/packages/kay27/mineclone5/ Mineclone5] is a fork of Mineclone2 with a fast and loose development process resulting in more features sooner, but more instability. Nearly all features from Mineclone5 end up in Mineclone2. It is worth noting that Mineclone5 worlds may be converted to Mineclone2, but not the reverse.
[https://git.minetest.land/Mineclonia/Mineclonia Mineclonia] is a somewhat inactive fork focused on stability. [https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=11467 Mineclone] (the original) was a project from 2015 intended to replicate Minecraft in Minetest, now succeeded by Mineclone2.
==== MeseCraft 是什么? ====
Contrary to what the name may suggest, [https://content.minetest.net/packages/MeseCraft/mesecraft/ MeseCraft] is not a Minecraft clone. It is a collection of mods intended to provide a curated, ready-to-go survival experience.
=== 内容都在哪里?没有生物?没有故事? ===
Minetest Game is not designed with a story or goal in mind. It is simply a sandbox to play in. Mods or other games provide actual gameplay content. Try looking for some on the [https://content.minetest.net/ ContentDB].
=== 你应该在 Minetest Game 中加入 [某个特性] ! ===
Minetest Game is [https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2710 currently in a low-development state], mostly just maintenance and bug fixes. New game features are not being considered as Minetest Game is intended to be retired from "default" status.
=== [某个物品或方块] 有什么用?我怎么制作它? ===
参见 [[Blocks]] 和 [[Items]] 来获取关于物品或方块的使用和制作方法。你也可以安装一个 [[crafting guide|制作指南]] 模组来查看可用的制作配方。
=== 我听说游戏中有地下城。它们在哪里? ===
== 社区 ==
=== 我可以在哪里提问? ===
你可以在 [http://minetest.net/irc IRC (#minetest)],[https://forum.minetest.net/ 论坛],[https://discord.gg/minetest Discord],[https://www.reddit.com/r/Minetest/ Reddit] 或 [https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=minetest 贴吧] 上提问。建议在提问之前先搜索历史和档案,很多问题已经被回答过了。<br />
在 [https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/ 这里] 找到你可以参与的地方。
=== 我如何安装第三方内容? ===
你可以在 [https://content.minetest.net/ Minetest ContentDB] 上找到各种社区制作的内容。你可以通过主菜单中的'''内容'''选项卡中的“浏览在线内容”从该数据库中查找并安装内容。
对于手动安装内容,参见 [[Games#Installing games|Installing Games]],[[Installing Mods|Installing Mods]],[[Maps#Installation|Installing Maps]] 以及 [[Texture Packs#Installation|Installing Texture Packs]]。
=== Why can't I find the mod <code>default</code> or [insert mod here]? ===
Some mods are part of games. Mods like <code>default</code> and <code>wool</code> are usually part of Minetest Game and are not meant to be installed as seperate mods. For a mod depending on e.g. <code>default</code> to work, you will need to use Minetest Game. Good game design practice is to prefix game-specific mods with the game name. Minetest Game is a particularly confusing case, unfortunately.
=== 模组之间互相兼容吗? ===
除非特别说明,否则大部分模组都能和其他模组共同工作(它们可能会或可能不会很好的交互)。不同的 API 实现(如生物或楼梯),针对特定游戏的模组,或者相互竞争的内容实现相互之间可能会不兼容。
=== 我如何连接到服务器?我是否需要一个多人游戏账号? ===
Minetest 中没有全局的多人游戏账号。对于每个服务器,你可以使用不同的用户名和密码。“账户”在第一次登录时创建。这样,只有你自己可以在特定服务器上访问你的玩家和物品栏。你也可以一直游玩单人模式,不需要任何用户名和密码。
=== 我如何搭建我自己的服务器? ===
参阅 [[Setting up a server]] 以及 [[Server]]。参见 [[Server commands]] 以获得常用的聊天命令列表。
=== 我如何获得一个 Minetest 维基账号? ===
通过在 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10473 申请。
== Gameplay ==
=== 我怎么查看我的坐标或者检测我的帧率? ===
Use the <kbd>F5</kbd> key to toggle debug info (available info may differ per game or server). The top of your screen may display your FPS and coordinates, among other information. Pressing <kbd>F5</kbd> again will toggle the profiler, and then wireframe mode if the '''debug''' [[Privileges|privilege]] is possessed. A final press will toggle debug info off.
=== 为什么我的帧率这么低? ===
帧率低可能有很多原因。一个常见的原因是开启了无限视距。默认情况下可以按 <kbd>R</kbd> 键切换它。你也可以尝试按 <kbd>-</kbd> 键来降低你的常规可视范围(按 <kbd>+</kbd> 键来增加)。渲染距离以节点为单位来计量。
=== 我如何进入全屏? ===
On many systems your OS fullscreen key (such as <kbd>alt+F11</kbd> on Ubuntu) should work just fine. Otherwise, navigate to '''Advanced Settings''' in the '''Settings''' tab in the main menu, and go to ''Graphics > In-Game > Advanced > Fullscreen'', where you can double-click to change the value or use the '''Edit''' button. You will need to restart Minetest for this to take effect.
=== What are the controls? How do I change them? ===
''参见 [[Controls]]。''
=== 我能使用控制器或手柄吗? ===
你需要使用一个外部程序来绑定它们。参见 [[Gamepads]] 来获取更多信息。
=== 为什么我无法在暂停画面中更改设置? ===
很多设置需要游戏重新加载才能生效,另一方面,进行设置的菜单还未被实现。[https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pulls 欢迎进行贡献]。
=== 游戏的 [[Maps|地图]] 有多大? ===
The map is a cube with a side length of 61840 [[Nodes|node]] (blocks) lengths. The map has thus a volume equal to the volume of 61840<sup>3</sup> nodes = 236,487,637,504,000 nodes.
The coordinates range from −30912 to 30927 in all dimensions.
''参见 [[Coordinates]] 及 [[World boundaries]]。''
=== 我能更改我的皮肤吗? ===
Skins are implemented per-game and per-world. If you'd like to change your skin in singleplayer, try using one of the [https://content.minetest.net/packages/?type=mod&q=skin many skin mods]. To change your skin on a server, use their skin mod (if any) or contact a member of management.
==== 皮肤使用什么格式? ====
Minetest Game uses pre-1.8 Minecraft skins (64x32). These support regular body texture, a head overlay, 4px-wide arms, and a cape. Other skin mods implement 64x64 skin support or other formats.
=== 我怎么设置我的出生点? ===
如果你游玩 Minetest Game,你可以放一个 [[bed|床]] 并在夜晚睡觉。在你重生之后,你会生成在你的床上。
Otherwise, you can find a mod (such as [https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=16923 this one]) or set your spawn point for ''all'' worlds using <code>static_spawnpoint = (x,y,z)</code> in your [[minetest.conf]] file.
=== 我怎么生成一个超平坦世界? ===
Use the <code>flat</code> mapgen when creating your world and disable all the mapgen flags. If you want the world to use a single material, try the [https://content.minetest.net/packages/rdococ/really_flat/ Really Flat mod].
=== Can I add fancy shaders? ===
As of 5.6.0, Minetest comes with toggleable dynamic shadows. Game support is required, if your game in particular does not support it you may use the <code>[https://content.minetest.net/packages/ROllerozxa/enable_shadows/ enable_shadows]</code> mod. More advanced post-processing shaders, such as bloom or volumetric lighting, is slated for release 5.7.0.
=== 我怎么提升亮度? ===
''参见 [[Troubleshooting#The_screen_is_too_dark]]。''
=== 我怎么飞行? ===
要飞行,你首先需要 “飞行” [[Privileges|权限]]。使用 <kbd>K</kbd> 键来切换飞行模式。使用跳跃键上升(默认:<kbd>空格</kbd>),使用潜行键下降(默认:<kbd>shift</kbd>)。
另请参阅:[[Controls#Movement modes#Fly mode]]。
=== 我怎么快跑? ===
With default Minetest behavior you can "go fast" using the "fast" [[Privileges|privilege]] (toggled with the <kbd>J</kbd> key) and your auxilary key (default: <kbd>E</kbd>). This is a lot faster than natural sprinting. There are [https://content.minetest.net/packages/?type=mod&q=sprint some mods] and games that implement conventional sprinting.
另请参阅:[[Controls#Movement modes#Fast mode]]。
=== 我怎么再次找到我的房子? ===
You can keep track of your coordinates (depending on the game) using debug info (<kbd>F5</kbd>). If you want, you can teleport to coordinates using
/teleport x y z
''See [[Server commands#Teleportation]]. Requires "teleport" [[Privileges|privilege]]''.
在 Minetest Game 中,你可以通过在家里使用 <code>/sethome</code> 来存储你家的位置,使用 <code>/home</code> 传送回家,避免迷路。
=== 我怎么生成我的世界的地图? ===
There are [[Programs_and_Editors#Mapping|various mapping tools]] to generate previews of your world. There is also a [https://github.com/Treer/Amidst-for-Minetest fork of Amidst] to preview biomes for a world seed.
=== Can I use WorldPainter with Minetest? ===
The author of WorldPainter has created a [https://www.worldpainter.net/files/plugins/MinetestSupport.jar Minetest plugin] for WorldPainter. Your mileage may vary.
=== Is there a World Edit for Minetest? ===
[https://content.minetest.net/packages/sfan5/worldedit/ Yes.] Check out [[Programs_and_Editors#World_editing|other editing tools]] as well.
=== 我能将 Minecraft 世界和内容转换到 Minetest 中吗? ===
Yes, there are [[Programs_and_Editors#Convert_data_from_Minecraft|some tools]] to convert Minecraft content to Minetest. Your mileage may vary.
== 游戏和模组开发 ==
=== 模组是什么? ===
A mod (modification, alternatively can be interchanged with module in the case of Minetest) is a collection of code that can implement or change a feature. The simplest mod consists of just an <code>init.lua</code> inside a folder in the mods/ directory, and makes calls to Minetest Lua modding API in order to implement gameplay features or do other cool things. "Games" in Minetest consist of a collection of mods accessible from the main menu, more akin to "modpacks" in another voxel game.
=== What language are games and mods written in? ===
Minetest uses the [https://www.lua.org/ Lua language] for games and mods. It is simple, light, and fast. You can find plenty of tutorials online.
* [http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html Programming in Lua Book], learn the Lua langauge (for Lua 5.0)
* [http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/ Lua 5.1 reference] (note that Minetest uses Lua 5.1)
* [https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/lua_overview.htm Lua guide by tutorialspoint]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUuqBZwwkQw Lua in 100 Seconds (Video)]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgiEF1frHQ8 Lua in 15 Minutes for Programmers (Video)]
=== How can I learn to make games and mods? ===
We recommend the [https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/index.html Minetest Modding Book] to start. For more experienced users there is the [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt Lua API reference] available in the Minetest source tree, which is also available [https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/ in a pretty HTML version].
如果你需要进一步的帮助,尽管在论坛或任何讨论组(如 IRC,Discord)中提问。
==== Lua 有多快? ====
[https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/lua-vs-java 快啊],[https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/lua-vs-cpp 很快啊]。
==== 为什么我无法使用现代的 Lua 特性? ====
Minetest 使用基于 Lua 5.1 的 https://luajit.org/ LuaJIT]。在未来,如果 PUC Lua 达到了 LuaJIT 的性能,Minetest 可能会改用更新的 Lua 版本。
==== Can I write games or mods in [insert language here]? ====
If it can transpile to Lua or you connect your own interpreter, yes. E.g. [https://content.minetest.net/packages/siegment/loria/ Loria] is written in [https://fennel-lang.org/ Fennel].
Otherwise, support for other languages will not be made first-class. Lua is designed for embedding and we will stick to it.
==== 我想使用这个 Java 模组!我需要 Java! ====
Lua can easily outperform a bridge to Java in most cases. If you really need to use another language for something like heavy data crunching, Lua can natively call C/++ libraries (only usable if a mod is [[#What is mod security?|trusted]]).
=== Minetest API 是什么? ===
The Minetest API gives you access to everything the engine currently has to offer. You can find the latest API reference [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt here]. A ReadTheDocs version can be read [https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/ here].
=== Can mods overwrite the engine? ===
Minetest mods must use the engine-provided API. Unlike Minecraft, Minetest mods cannot change the engine. If you think the engine is missing a feature, consider [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues opening an issue] or [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pulls write the feature yourself].
=== formspec 是什么? ===
Formspec is the name of Minetest's UI toolkit, and is used to make dialogs and forms for mods. For more information see the [https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/formspec/#formspec Lua API documentation].
=== What is a listring? ===
Listrings are a convenience feature in Minetest to allow quick transfer of an itemstack from one inventory list to another with <code>Shift+Click</code>. Basically, listrings group several inventory lists together in a “ring” data structure. A shift-click will transfer an itemstack from one inventory list to the next inventory list in the listrings, and, if it is the final inventory list in the listring, it will be sent to the first inventory list. ([https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/formspec/#listringinventory-locationlist-name see Lua API documentation])
=== How do I do biomes? ===
Biomes are distributed according to their heat and humidity values. These values generally range between 0 and 100. A voronoi diagram can be used to visualise the distribution, [https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/advmap/biomesdeco.html#biome-placement see the modding book].
=== What is devtest? ===
[https://wiki.minetest.net/index.php?title=FAQ&action=history Development Test (devtest)] is a game for testing engine features and doing mod development. It provides a minimal set of game content along with an extensive library of content for testing engine features. It is included with the engine.
=== What is mod security? ===
Mod security prevents mods from executing insecure methods without user approval. A mod needs to be explicitly specified as HTTP to utilize the HTTP API. A mod needs to be trusted to run many OS-level methods.
=== 我如何调试我的 Lua 代码? ===
The "lua" interpreter is not very useful for debugging mod code, because mods are built to run in an environment specific to Minetest (they expect to be loaded after their dependencies, have access to the Minetest API, etc.). However, you may be able to break pieces of your logic into separate, stand-alone Lua library files that are not specific to Minetest. Where you have an opportunity to do this, testing outside of Minetest (using Lua 5.1's "lua" interpreter or LuaJIT's "luajit" interpreter) can be helpful. This might work for some utility functions and "class libraries".
There is no built-in debugger in Minetest, apart from "printf-style debugging" with functions like <code>minetest.log()</code> and <code>dump()</code>. There exists mods such as [https://content.minetest.net/packages/LMD/dbg/ dbg] which gives more advanced debugging capabilities than are available by default.
=== 我获得了一个错误或警告信息,它意味着什么? ===
''参见 [[Troubleshooting#Error messages without crashes]]。''
=== 为什么我无法进行其他的按键绑定? ===
这个特性尚未实现。[https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pulls 欢迎进行贡献]。
=== 我怎么为我的模组制作模型? ===
我们推荐 [[Using_Blender|使用 Blender]] 来制作模型。
==== 我能使用 Blockbench 来制作模型吗? ====
可以,但你需要导出并用 Blender 把你的模型转换为 [[Using_Blender#File_format_support|Minetest 支持的格式]]。Converting animations from Blockbench is not known to work well (if at all).
=== Can I sell games I make with Minetest? ===
只要你遵守 [https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/LICENSE.txt 协议] 的话,就可以。
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Latest revision as of 21:19, 31 December 2024

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