Nyan Cat

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Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat.png
A node in Minetest Game
Node Type Full node
Drops Itself
Physics No
Luminance No
Flammable No
Generated Yes
Renewable No
Stackable Yes (99)
Itemstring default:nyancat

Nyan Cats are humorous blocks which are extremely rare. They are even rarer than Mese Blocks, which makes Nyan Cat the rarest block in Minetest Game. A nyan cat can theoretically appear anywhere (including the underground), so finding a nyan cat is based on pure luck. Players have reported that it took them several months or even years of playing until they randomly met a nyan cat.

Nyan cats always appear in front of a line of Nyan Cat Rainbows. They cannot be crafted, and they always spawn alone, never in groups. They can be mined with a stone pickaxe (or better).

They have no real purpose other than for decoration and obtaining bragging rights (“Look what I've found!”) and can be considered a (minor) easter egg or “joke” blocks in Minetest Game and are not meant to be taken seriously.


A screenshot of a nyan cat can be seen here.

See Also