Configurable controls
These keyboard and mouse controls can be changed in the “Change Keys” menu.
- W: Move forwards
- A: Move to the left
- D: Move to the right
- S: Move backwards
- J: Toggle fast mode (requires “fast” privilege)
- K: Toggle fly mode (requires “fly” privilege)
- H: Toggle noclip mode, only works if fly mode is also on (requires “noclip” privilege)
- E: Walk fast (only works if fast mode is on)
While standing on solid ground
- Space: Jump
- Shift: Walk slower and sneak (walking to the edge of a node without risking falling down)
When “fly mode” is activated
- Space: Rise
- Shift: Fall
While on a ladder
- Space: Climb uphill
- Shift: Climb downhill
While in a liquid
- Space: Swim upwards
- Shift: Swim downwards
World interaction
- Left mouse button: Attack; mine blocks; collect items
- Right mouse button: Use if applicable (e.g. open chest/furnace); build blocks otherwise
- Shift+Right mouse button: Build blocks; never use
- Mouse wheel: Select block/item in hotbar
- 0-9: Select block/item in hotbar
- Q: Drop entire wielded itemstack
- Shift+Q: Drop single item of wielded itemstack
- I: Show/hide inventory menu
Inventory interaction
See Inventory#Controls.
Server interaction
- T: Open chat window (You require the “shout” privilege to chat.)
- /: Start issuing a server command
- R: Toggle far view (disables all fog and allows viewing far away, may cause massive FPS drop)
- F10: open/close console/chat log
- F12: Take a screenshot (as a PNG image)
- P: Write current stacktraces into the file “debug.txt”. This feature is only interesting for developers.
Fixed controls
These controls can be changed using minetest.conf settings.
- Moving the mouse around: Look around
- F1: Show/hide HUD
- F2: Show/hide chat and the text “Minetest” along with the version number at the upper left part of the screen
- F3: Enable/disable fog
- F4: Enable/disable camera updates. Note: This key works only in debugging versions of Minetest, or by editing minetest.conf. Normal players don't need this feature.
- N: Same as F4, but only in release builds instead (Minetest 0.4.12).
- F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates
- F6: Enable/disable profiler (only useful for developers)
- F7: Toggle camera. Available are (in this order): first person view, third person view from the back, third person view from the front
- F8: Toggle cinematic mode. In cinematic mode, the camera will not immediately follow your movements, instead it will quickly “catch on”, so the movement of the camera looks a bit like the movement of an actual camera.
- Esc: In the game: Abort / close current window / open pause menu. In the main menu: Quit Minetest.
- + (numpad): Increase minimal viewing distance
- - (numpad): Decrease minimal viewing distance