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Revision as of 13:24, 21 October 2013 by Wuzzy (talk | contribs) (mentioned slabs)
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Building is the activity of placing blocks next to other blocks. It is one of the most basic things you can do in Minetest.

Building requires the “interact” privilege (a default privilege).

To build, one must wield something which can be built, point to something which can be built to and press the use key (Right mouse button by default). Most blocks can be built. Building is, unlike mining, always instantly done.

By building a slab onto another slab of the same material, a full block of the same material is created.

Not all nodes can be built to. Air and liquids, for example.

However, it is possible to build inside some nodes which entirely destroys them. Air, for example, can always be replaced. Liquids like water, too. Many plants like grass can be build inside, too.