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Mobs (Movable Object Blocks) are currently only available through mods.

Mods that add mobs:

  • Simple mobs [mobs] includes dirt monsters, stone monsters, sand monsters, oerkkis, dungeon masters, sheep and rats.
  • Mob framework [mobf] includes sheep, cows, ostriches, vombies, slimes, blue/white fish, clownfish, wolves, boombombs, traders, gulls, chickens, rats, deer, big reds, oerkkis, archers and guards.
  • Peaceful NPC includes random non-player characters that follow you
  • Zombie Waves [zombie_waves] includes zombies.
  • Creatures [creatures] includes zombies, ghosts and Sheep

Other mods (containing mobs):

  • random buildings includes lumberjacks and traders.
  • Zeg's Mobs and Lava Temple [zmobs] includes lava flans and mese monsters.
  • Pyramids [pyramids] includes mummies.