Help:Original names

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Languages Language: English
Mbox information.png This page is about the wiki policy about translating names. For the main policy on translations, go to Help:Translation Notes.

If you want, you could state the original names of mods and its items if they were first released in different language. This could help players using the mods in case the mods could not support localization or the localization tool being used failed to display properly.

If it is article translations, it is advised to include English names too (or original names if they were first released in different language). This could help players who uses default settings which is almost always set as English, while trying to understand it by reading translated article.

If possible, include the original names only in the articles explaining the mod and individual articles of the mod items, not inside a list.

Suggested format for use in English wiki

There is no standard format on how to write the original names, but it is suggested to write it in italic inside brackets after bold English names and write the language it originates before the original name.

For example: Dirt (French: Terre)
This is just an example, Dirt is inside the default mod and the original language is English.

Suggested format for use in translated wiki

It is suggested to follow the format suggested for use in English wiki, but the original language itself should be stated in the translated form (eg. In French article, write "Anglais" instead of "English").

For example in French translation: Terre (Anglais: Dirt)